Eradicating foot pain: A new treatment program for Peripheral Neuropathy.

Do you experience tingling, burning or numbness in your feet that is so bad you sometimes wish you could remove the offending body parts? Or worse, are you worried you may lose a toe, or foot or more?  These symptoms are part of a condition called peripheral neuropathy and it’s no fun! It can lead to more areas developing symptoms and symptoms progressively getting worse. Other symptoms include intermittent sharp pain, muscle cramping, restless legs at night, and shiny discolored skin. It can also make you more at risk for falling and sustaining more debilitating injuries. At best it’s simply annoying.

Causes of peripheral neuropathy include prediabetes, diabetes, chemotherapy, nutritional deficiencies, alcohol abuse and some medications.

Because of foot numbness, peripheral neuropathy can lead to more serious problems such as infections, wounds that don’t heal and even amputation of toes and feet. It can also cause balance deficits and increased risk of injury from falling.


Until recently there hasn’t been an effective treatment to reverse this condition and heal peripheral nerves. The team at Highland Physical Therapy has developed a program that helps to heal the peripheral nerves and reverse some or all symptoms of peripheral neuropathy

Want to learn more? I am offering a FREE visit for you try out this program.

  • During this visit we will find out what you have experienced and for how long.
  • Then we’ll ask what you have tried already and listen to any questions you have.
  • Finally, we will provide the treatment program so that you can experience it for yourself and decide this program is a good option for your specific circumstance.

Management – what you can do now

  • If you do have diabetes, careful monitoring of blood glucose levels will prevent further progression of symptoms.
  • Regular communication with your doctor is important to help you understand possible nutritional deficiencies and medication effects.
  • Physical therapy to establish a regular and appropriate exercise and stretching program. This will help improve blood circulation to all tissues, including the nerves. a Physical Therapist can also help improve balance.
  • Custom orthotics to support the three arches of your feet, but also help prevent pressure sores.
  • Daily inspection of your feet and toes for minor cuts, sores or rashes.

I’ve experienced a mild but progressing case of peripheral neuropathy. I worry about it getting worse with increased numbness in more areas of my feet. For a couple of years all 10 toes and the bottom of my feet are at varying degrees of numbness. I also worry about my feet getting too cold while skiing or other winter activities. I have been doing this program for a couple of weeks and already notice a difference in my feet!

If you don’t have this condition, you may know someone who does. Do them a favor and share this article with them.

You can call us for a FREE visit at 208-237-2080. Even if you call late at night or on the weekend, we will be sure to get back to you quickly.

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