Highland Physical Therapy

Don’t Do These 5 Things If You Have Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is a common occurrence among both men and women of many ages. It can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, some of which are more serious than others. It is important to get treatment when experiencing pelvic pain as it may be indicative of an underlying condition that requires medical attention. If left untreated, the pain can become chronic and difficult to manage.
Many different factors can cause pelvic pain such as infections, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, interstitial cystitis, bladder inflammation, and other inflammatory diseases like fibromyalgia or irritable bowel syndrome. Pelvic floor muscle tension or spasms in this area can also cause discomfort. In order to diagnose the source of pelvic pain, doctors often use imaging tests, ultrasounds, or other diagnostics.Treatment for pelvic pain may include medication to reduce inflammation and muscle spasms, physical therapy, lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise modifications, stress-reduction techniques, and in some cases surgery.
Pelvic pain is a common medical issue that can be caused by many different conditions. It is important for individuals who are experiencing pelvic pain to seek medical attention so they can receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan if needed.
Treatment options vary depending on the cause of the pain but often include medications, physical therapy, lifestyle changes, stress reduction techniques, and in some cases surgery. Getting prompt treatment can help manage symptoms more effectively and prevent them from becoming chronic.
While there are certain things you can do to help you treat pelvic pain, there are things that you will want to avoid if you are experiencing pelvic pain and these are listed below.

Don’t Do These 5 Things If You Have Pelvic Pain

1. Do not ignore your pelvic pain it is important to seek medical advice if you experience any kind of pelvic pain, even if it appears to be minor. Ignoring the issue can lead to further complications and may make the condition worse.

2. Avoid consuming drinks containing caffeine or alcohol: Caffeine and alcohol are known diuretics that can lead to dehydration; dehydration can increase pelvic pain due to decreased circulation in the region.

3. Avoid high-impact activities if they exacerbate the pain – jumping, running, going on long walks, and other similar activities should be avoided if they cause an increase in pain levels. Low-impact exercises, such as swimming and yoga, can help reduce pain levels without putting too much strain on the pelvis.

4. Don’t put a heating pad directly on your skin – doing so may increase inflammation or cause skin irritation. If you use a heating pad to treat pelvic pain, make sure it is covered with a towel or other fabric first.

5. Avoid sitting for long periods of time – prolonged sitting can increase pressure in the pelvic area and aggravate existing conditions. Try to stand up every 30 minutes and move around if possible. Additionally, make sure that your chair is comfortable and properly supportive of your back and legs.

How Can Physical Therapy Help With Pelvic Pain

Physical therapy can be an effective tool for managing pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is a common problem, and physical therapists are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills to help reduce its associated symptoms.

We have a variety of tools at their disposal to treat pelvic pain. Through manual therapy techniques such as massage or joint mobilization, we can target muscles around the pelvis and relieve tension that may be contributing to the pain.

They can also provide training in posture and exercise programs which can improve strength and movement control in the area, relieving some of the pressure on it. Strengthening exercises may include core stability exercises, hip stabilizers, gluteal activation drills, and targeted stretching for the hip flexors.

Additionally, physical therapists can provide biofeedback and relaxation techniques to help cope with the pain.

Finally, physical therapists are able to diagnose the cause of pelvic pain and create individualized treatment plans based on their findings. They will assess a patient’s posture, flexibility, strength, movement patterns, and any other factors that may be contributing to the problem.

Through this comprehensive assessment, they can develop an individualized plan for each person that focuses on prevention so as to reduce the likelihood of further occurrences of pelvic pain in the future.

Physical therapy is a safe and effective form of treatment for managing pelvic pain. With their specialized training in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues, physical therapists have the knowledge and skills necessary to craft individualized treatment plans to reduce symptoms and prevent further occurrences. Thus, it is definitely worth considering physical therapy as a form of treatment for pelvic pain and its associated issues.

Do You Have Pelvic Pain And Want to Know the Next Steps to Take?

Have you been unsuccessful in finding a solution or treatment option for your pelvic pain? If so, we recommend coming to see us at Highland Physical Therapy. We have seen and treated many patients with pelvic pain, so if you want answers and an individualized treatment plan then make sure you schedule a time with us to talk about the pain you are experiencing.

You can also discover the root cause of your pelvic pain, which will mean that you can stop it once and for all, and avoid it coming back in future.

Come in an get a Pelvic Pain Assessment and finally get the treatment you need to relieve or eliminate the pain that you are experiencing. Contact our friendly team on 208-237-2080 and we can arrange a convenient time for you to visit.

In this assessment, we will begin the conversation on the next steps in your treatment and identify the best way to help you with your pain!

Demand at our clinic is at an all time high, as more people choose physical therapy to relieve lower back problems, so there is a limited number of Pelvic Pain Assessments available.

If you aren’t sure whether Physical Therapy is right for you, and you’re looking for a drug-free solution to your back, knee, or neck and shoulder pain, or pelvic pain, arrange a Free Discovery Visit or Free Telephone Consultation to find out the best treatment options available to you!

Other Natural Pain Relief Solutions
Download our Free Back Pain Report, Free Knee Pain Report, Free Pelvic Pain Reports or Free Neck And Shoulder Pain Report
Read Our Blog – 5 Exercises To Help Strengthen The Pelvic Floor
Read Our Blog – 5 Ways To Help Manage Urinary Incontinence
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1 thought on “Don’t Do These 5 Things If You Have Pelvic Pain”

  1. It stood out ot me when you mentioned that there are many factors that can cause pelvic pain. I would imagine that it would be a good idea to avoid trying to self-diagnose what is causing pelvic pain if that is something you are dealing with. You would want to work with a doctor so that the right underlying cause of the pain can be diagnosed.

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