5 Things That Can Make Your Knee Pain Worse

Knee pain when running is a common issue that can be caused by a wide variety of factors. It is important to seek the help of a physical therapist if you are struggling with knee pain as they will be able to assess the cause and provide treatment or advice on how to prevent further damage.
The causes of knee pain when running can vary greatly, but often include overuse injuries such as patellofemoral syndrome (runner’s knee), iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) and tendinitis. Additionally, there could be an underlying medical condition such as arthritis or a ligament strain which results in the knee becoming weak and painful.
Your physical therapist will be able to evaluate any potential sources of discomfort and provide a tailored plan of action.
Physical therapy for knee pain when running typically includes exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee and improve flexibility, as well as massage to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. In addition, your physical therapist can advise you on strategies to reduce the stress placed on your knees such as changing your running form or landing surface.

If you are suffering from knee pain due to running, it is important to seek help from a physical therapist. They will be able to identify the underlying cause of the issue and provide appropriate treatment so that you can get back out there safely and enjoy your runs without worrying about further damage. With their guidance, you can learn how to manage the condition in order to keep yourself healthy and happy.

5 Things That Can Make Your Knee Pain Worse

1. Repetitive movements: Knee pain can worsen due to repetitive motions such as running, jumping, or bending. Repetitive motions can cause wear and tear on the knee joint over time, leading to increased pain.
2. Injury: An injury to the knee can make existing knee pain worse. This includes sprains, strains, tears, or fractures of any kind that affect the area around the knee.
3. Overuse: Doing too much activity in a short period of time can put stress on your knees and exacerbate any underlying pain you may be experiencing. It’s important to take breaks between activities and build up slowly when starting a new exercise routine.
4. Poor Posture: Sitting with poor posture puts extra stress on the knee joint and can increase pain over time. Make sure to sit in a way that allows your spine to stay neutral, with your feet flat on the floor or a low stool.
5. Improper Footwear: Wearing shoes that are not supportive enough can put additional strain on the knees when walking or running. Make sure you have adequate cushioning and arch support, as well as good traction for slippery surfaces.

With regular care and attention, many of these factors can be addressed to reduce knee pain. Simple steps like stretching before exercise, using proper form during physical activity, and wearing appropriate footwear can help keep your knees strong and healthy. Additionally, seeking medical advice from a doctor or physical therapist can provide further assistance in managing knee pain. By taking care of your knees now, you can reduce the risk of more serious issues down the line.

How We Can Help You With Your Knee Pain

If you’re struggling with pain and you want a plan to help alleviate it – our team is here to help!

You can get quick, natural pain relief so you don’t need to take pills on a regular basis.

If you are feeling pain or want more examples of ways to stay active to avoid or prevent pain in the future, make sure to contact our team. You can also discover the root cause of the problem, which will mean that you can stop it once and for all, and avoid it coming back in the future.

We also offer a knee pain assessment to get the conversation going and help you find the right treatment to help you reduce or eliminate pain.

Reach out to one of our physical therapists at 208-237-2080 for more details on how we can help you manage your pain.

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