Highland Physical Therapy

5 Exercises To Help With Back Pain

Back pain is a common complaint among adults, with one-third of people experiencing it regularly. Not only can back pain be annoying and disruptive to daily routines, but it can also have long lasting effects if not treated properly.The best thing for anyone suffering from back pain is to stay active. This means continuing to do simple exercises such as stretching and walking or light weights and resistance bands. Staying active helps minimize inflammation in the area, increase mobility and strength, while decreasing stiffness. It’s important to note that you should never push yourself too hard; listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.
Staying active when you have back pain is incredibly important because it will help keep your muscles strong. This will help improve posture, relieve stiffness and alleviate pain in the long run. Additionally, physical activity helps bones and connective tissues stay strong and healthy. Regular movement also increases blood flow to the area which can lead to faster healing times for any injuries or inflammation that may be causing your back pain.
Ultimately, being active with back pain is beneficial to your body’s overall health and wellbeing. Staying active helps keep muscles strong and flexible while supporting good posture; it also promotes faster healing times as well as reducing levels of discomfort. Taking care of your body is key when managing back pain so remember to listen to your body, take breaks if needed, and always consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise regimen.
5 Exercises To Help With Back Pain
1. Cat-Camel This exercise is a great way to warm up the spine and get it ready for activity. It involves arching backward like a cat and then forward like a camel, all while keeping your head in line with your spine. Doing this regularly can help reduce existing back pain and also prevent future issues from occurring.
2. Knee-to-Chest Stretch: This stretch helps to loosen tight muscles caused by inactivity, which can lead to back pain when left unchecked. To do this stretch, lay flat on your back and pull one knee towards your chest at a time until you feel a gentle stretching sensation, hold for about 20 seconds before switching legs.
3. Pelvic Tilts: This exercise helps strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, which are essential for maintaining strength in the spine. To do this, lay flat on your back with your feet firmly planted while you draw your bellybutton towards the ceiling and then release. Do 10-15 of these tilts every day to help reduce any existing pain as well as prevent future issues.
4. Wall Sits: Wall sits involve leaning against a wall and sliding down until you’re in a seated position with your legs bent at 90 degrees. Maintaining this position for around 30 seconds can dramatically improve posture and help to alleviate existing back pain. It also helps build strength in the lower body which will take pressure off of the spine over time.
5. Bridges: This exercise helps to build strength in the core muscles which are important for maintaining good posture and preventing back pain. To do this, lay flat on your back with your feet firmly planted on the ground. From here, lift your hips off of the floor and hold for a few seconds before releasing back down. Doing 10-15 of these bridges every day will help reduce existing back pain as well as prevent future issues from occurring.
The key is to find the right exercises for your individual needs, as certain activities might make your pain worse. Exercises that focus on strengthening and stretching of the abdominal muscles are particularly good for people with back pain as this helps relieve strain from their lower spine.
How Can Physical Therapy Help With Back Pain?
Physical therapy can be a great way to manage back pain. Research has shown that physical therapy exercises can improve muscle strength and flexibility in the lower back, reducing pain and improving everyday functioning.
Physical therapists may also teach patients stretches and exercises they can do at home, as well as provide lifestyle advice on how to prevent future episodes of back pain. Exercising regularly is important for maintaining health, however it’s even more beneficial when trying to relieve back pain.
Moderate intensity exercise strengthens muscles in the lower back, helping them better support the spine and take pressure off sensitive areas. This allows for improved range of motion and decreases inflammation caused by tight muscles which often leads to flare-ups in those with chronic low back pain.
If left untreated, back pain can have long-term consequences. The discomfort of recurrent episodes can be debilitating, causing reduced mobility and even depression in some cases.
Fortunately, physical therapy and exercise can help prevent this from occurring by increasing strength, range of motion and flexibility while addressing any underlying issues that may be the cause of your back pain.
Overall, physical therapy is an effective way to manage chronic back pain. Through targeted exercises, patients are able to increase their mobility and reduce inflammation over time. As well as improving their current condition, regular exercise helps build strength in the lower back muscles which prevents further flare ups in the future. Without proper treatment, back pain can worsen over time, leading to a vicious cycle of increased discomfort and reduced quality of life.
Still Dealing With Back Pain? Highland Physical Therapy Can Help…
You can get quick, natural pain relief so you don’t need to take pills or rely on them.

You can also discover the root cause of your pain, which will mean that you can stop it once and for all, and avoid it coming back in future.

Right now, we have an limited time offer where you can get a Back Pain Assessment!  So contact our friendly team on 208-237-2080 and we can arrange a convenient time for you to visit.

In this assessment, you will get a full diagnosis, so you finally understand why your back pain won’t go away, and exactly how to treat it for fast and long term results.

But hurry, the offer for these comprehensive Back Pain Assessment.

Demand at our clinic is at an all time high, as more people choose physical therapy to relieve lower back problems, so there is a limited number of sports. Make sure to book today!

If you aren’t sure whether Physical Therapy is right for you, and you’re looking for a drug-free solution to your back, knee, or neck and shoulder pain, arrange a Free Discovery Visit or Free Telephone Consultation to find out the best treatment options available to you!

Other Free Resources…
Download our Free Back Pain Report, Free Knee Pain Report,  or Free Neck And Shoulder Pain Report
Read Our Blog – How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain
Read Our Blog – Health Benefits of Yoga and Pilates
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